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Your Child's Safety and Wellness: Wellness Guide
Your Child's Safety and Wellness: Wellness Guide

Safety & Wellness is a Team Effort……

And You are an Important member of the Team You and your child are important members of the Lansdowne Children’s Centre (LCC) team.

Think Safe...Communicate

• Make sure LCC staff involved in your child’s services have important health information

• If you don’t understand some part of your child’s condition or treatment ask LCC staff to explain why things are being done the way they are. If you still have concerns ask again

Ask if you don’t understand

Know your Lansdowne Team

• If your not sure who one of your service providers is, or what their role is please ask

• LCC staff are trained in First Aid and CPR and there are First Aid Stations throughout the building. Fire and emergency preparedness drills occur regularly

Help Keep Us All Safe

• Call your service provider if you or your child are ill

• Always remember to wash or sanitize your hands

• Cough and sneeze into your shoulder or sleeve—not into your hands

• Do not smoke on LCC property

• Do not smoke while LCC staff are in your home

• Keep animals under control while LCC staff are in your home, staff will inform you of any pet allergies

• Make sure that there is a clean and safe area in your home when LCC staff visit

Medication Safety

• Ensure LCC staff is aware of the name and any possible side effects of any medication your child is taking

• Directly inform each LCC staff that you are involved with about any allergies

• If medication is to be given by LCC staff, please follow the Medication policy and ensure medication is in it’s original, childproof, labeled containers

Know Your Child’s Equipment

• Make sure your child’s equipment is kept clean and in good working order

• Ask your child’s Occupational or Physiotherapist to check that your equipment is safe

• Use equipment only as directed

Help Prevent Falls

• Help keep hallways free of clutter and obstacles, report any tripping hazards both inside and outside the building

• Always watch your children in our waiting room or therapy areas

• Make sure your children are wearing appropriate footwear, and be cautious of slippery floors during poor weather

• Encourage all children to walk, not run in our building

STOP & Clean your Hands

• Keeping your hands clean is the best way of preventing the spread of germs

• Use the hand sanitizers in the front lobby upon entering the building

• Wash your hands after handling any type of soiled material or using the bathroom

• LCC staff are committed to sanitizing their hands prior to and after working with your child. Feel free to ask them if they have done so

• Therapy equipment and surfaces used are cleaned and maintained to ensure everyone’s wellness and safety

Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Lansdowne staff must report to the Family and Children's Services, any reasonable concerns of abuse.

As a parent/guardian it is your responsibility to report any concerns regarding your child’s caregiver. Child abuse happens when a child’s parent or other person in charge harms or neglects a child.

What is physical child abuse?

Beating, slapping, hitting, pushing, throwing, shaking, burning

What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse happens when a parent or other person in charge sexually molests or uses a child for sexual purposes or knowingly fails to protect a child from sexual abuse

What is emotional abuse?

Yelling at, screaming at, threatening, frightening, or bullying a child, humiliating the child, name-calling or saying things like: “You’re no good”, “You’re worthless”, showing little to no physical affection or attention

What is Neglect?

Not providing proper food and clothing, supervision, medical care

Contact Brant Family & Children’s Services

call 519.753.8681 - 24 Hour Emergency Service


• Canadian Paediatric Society (

• Brant County Health Unit (

• Canadian Patient Safety Institute

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Your Child's Safety and Wellness: Wellness Guide

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