Join this police-escorted, no touch down motorcycle ride leaving from Brantford to tour Grand River communities and scenery, including Haldimand, Norfolk and Brant counties. Your registration is ALL INCLUSIVE of the day's entertainment, including: Live Music, Vendor Displays, Continental Breakfast, Hot Lunch and Door Prizes!
Help raise money for special needs programs and supports accessed by children and youth at
Lansdowne Children's Centre.
Thank You Sponors!
Events like this can't happen without the support of outstanding community parnters.
Lansdowne Children's Centre Foundation is grateful for the generous sponsors and gift in kind partners who make this event happen.
Thank You, for all your support of Lansdowne Children's Centre and the thousands of infants, children and youth who access Lansdowne programs and services.
You are making a difference.

Funds raised with the Lansdowne Charity Motorcycle Ride support critical programs at Lansdowne Children's Centre that help our community's children and youth with special needs.
With your generous support: You have helped youth discover their independence and learn life skills; You have helped a child's family gain access to mobility equipment; You have helped a child with special needs make friends at a camp experience in the community.