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Transition to Adult Services: A Guide PDF
Transition to Adult Services: A Guide PDF

Who are we planning for?

Youth in their later teen years (14-17 years old ) with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities and/or who are medically complex. During ages 0-17 years old youth receive services from children services. Prior to the youth turning 18 years old, they must apply and qualify for funding through adult services which have different criteria than children's services.

What are we planning for?

  • The transition out of Children Services

  • The transition through high school and into post secondary school or career path

  • The transition to a higher level of independence

  • The transition to adult service providers (if applicable)

Transition planning refers to the transition out of children’s services and transition into adult services. Although some youth will continue to stay in school until their 21st birthday and receive school health services (Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy), most clients will no longer receive services from Lansdowne Children’s Centre after the age of 18.

Before discharging, Lansdowne wants to ensure that youth and their family have a plan for the future As teens approach the age of 16, the Lansdowne staff supporting the family and/or school will have a discussion of what the plan is for the future (next few years/beyond high school). Through these conversations, staff will have a better understanding of what kind of adult services the youth may be eligible for and what relevant goals the youth may have for their future.

Some examples of goals could include:

  • finding a volunteer opportunity

  • joining a social activity

  • specific goals around the home that may lead to a higher level of independence

  • exploring post secondary options

  • exploring part-time or full-time job opportunites

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Transition to Adult Services: A Guide PDF

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