Autism Services Brant at Lansdowne Children's Centre is your:
Eligible provider for Evidence-Based Services
Eligible provider for Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
Local provider for Ministry-Funded Foundational Family Services
Fee-for-service programs at Lansdowne Children's Centre start at $149/hour.
as of January 1, 2024
Program fees are inclusive of the in-program time, indirect supervision by a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), report writing and prep-work that occurs before and after each program appointment.
Available for children and youth ages Birth to 12 years
What is Intensive ABA therapy?
Intensive ABA therapy treatment is 6+ hours and/or a minimum of 3 scheduled appointments per week.
Treatment is primarily provided at a 1:1 - child to therapist - ratio, with daily opportunities for interaction and play with peers. Children will be taught essential skills and the management of challenging behaviours, working across several developmental domains, including:
Social interactions
Personal hygiene
Who is eligible?
Intensive ABA therapy is available for children/youth, age birth to 12 years, with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. A screening process will be applied to confirm eligibility for this program, including registration with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
What can I expect?
Individualized assessment will determine specific goals for your child before treatment begins.
There will be an emphasis upon parent involvement and training within this intervention.
Therapy will be provided at Lansdowne Children’s Centre in Brantford.
Intensive ABA therapy is a commitment of 6+ hours per week.
For further information you can reach our Family Support Worker by phone at 519-753-3153 ext. 268, or by email at or you can complete an Online Referral, CLICK HERE