The theme for World Occupational Therapy Day this year is "Unity through Community." The theme promotes the role of Occupational Therapists (OTs) in working together with others to facilitate participation and community interaction.

World Occupational Therapy Day was first launched on 27th October 2010. Since then, it has become an important date in the occupational therapy calendar to promote and celebrate the profession internationally. #WorldOTDay

As a profession, Occupational Therapists (OTs) collaborate with many groups and communities for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. At Lansdowne Children's Centre, OTs work with infants, children and youth. and their families, to improve skills and participation in daily activities.
Occupational Therapy focuses on fine motor skills, typically thought of as the use of hands and upper extremities. Fine motor skills include activities such as reaching, grasping and manipulating objects with your hands, and can also involve vision, specifically visual motor skills, often referred to as hand-eye coordination.
Learn more about Occupational Therapy at Lansdowne,