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Speech & Language Therapy

at Lansdowne Children's Centre

in Brantford, Caledonia, Dunnville and Simcoe


What is Speech and Language Therapy? (SLT)

Speech and Language therapy at Lansdowne Children's Centre focuses on helping infants and children develop their communication skills. Communication includes speech sound production, understanding and producing language and using language to interact with others.

Areas we work on in speech and language therapy:

  • Understanding words and sentences

  • Using words and putting words together

  • Using language to interact with others

  • Making speech sounds

  • Stuttering 

  • Feeding and swallowing concerns

Speech & Language Supports

click on an image to learn more

Red Head Baby

Development Checklist, Early Years Milestones

Red Head Baby

Development Checklist, Speech & Language 0 - 36 months

Red Head Baby

Preschool Speech & Language Therapy (PSL)

Access FREE resources online

Connect with streaming videos, printable tip sheets and home-based activities based on proven universal strategies to help your child's development. PLUS, connect with community-based resources and services.

Remote Learning

What is a Speech-Language Pathologist?
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) at Lansdowne provide assessment and treatment for infants and children with communication delays or disorders, or feeding and swallowing concerns.


What is a Communicative Disorders Assistant?

A Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA) at Lansdowne provides speech and language intervention under the supervision of a SLP.


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Are you passionate about helping infants, children and youth realize their potential? Are you seeking a career in pediatrics? Discover why team members join Lansdowne Children's Centre.

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