OAFCCD is in Crisis. Please share their call for Help.
The Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders (OAFCCD) is a network of parents, caregivers and professionals including Speech Language Pathologists, whose mission to provide support and ensure children and youth have access to effective speech services and language services in Ontario.
The future of their mission is in jeopardy.
REPOST from OAFCC: http://oafccd.com/important-announcement/
Without more parent involvement, our organization will fold at the end of 2022.
OAFCCD needs 3 or 4 parents to join the OAFCCD Board of Directors to keep this important organization alive. We need your voice to help in advocating for improvements to the speech and language system in Ontario. We welcome parents who have struggled with obtaining services for their child and those who have had a successful experience and positive outcome for their child. Parents on this board must have a child who has or has had speech and language difficulties.
This position requires that you are comfortable joining a committee, have personal experience with speech and language services and feel passion for improving children’s services. Knowledge of the school system and special education or the preschool speech and language services and can commit for 1-2 years is preferred.
If you are interested, please contact alison@oafccd.com to connect with a current Board member.
The OAFCCD was founded in 1994 when children’s speech and language services were being reduced or eliminated in hospitals and schools. OAFCCD Advocacy was influential in the development of the Preschool Speech and Language System and increased the number of SLPs employed by school boards.
Since 1994, OAFCCD has reviewed provincial policies that govern provision of speech and language services. Its Board of Directors includes parents and SLPs advocating together for service improvements. The OAFCCD website includes articles about how parents can help their child and be involved in speech and language therapy programs, as well as resources to help families navigate the school and special education system. The government is currently revising legislation that will impact speech and language services for children in Ontario. The work of OAFCCD is still needed.
For further information about OAFCCD you can review the of Who We Are and What We Do sections of this website. You can also check out some of the resources we have developed, including the Video Series: The Power of Parents and the Parent Guide for Supporting Success at School.