Premature births (preemies) are often high-risk for developmental concerns. If your child was born at least 4 weeks premature you can complete a referral to Lansdowne to receive regularly scheduled developmental check-ups to identify any concerns as early as possible.
The Importance of Early Intervention
Connections in an infant's brain are most adaptable in the first three years of life, 0 - 36 months.
These connections, also called neural circuits, are the foundation for learning, behaviour, and health.
Over time, these connections become harder to change.
What are Developmental Services?
Planned, individualized and person (family)-centered services and supports provided to children with developmental needs.
Our goal is to enable children, youth and their families to increase their participation in all aspects of community life, optimize their ability to achieve developmental milestones and experience their fullest potential.
Preemie Support in Your Home
In response to a referral, a Developmental Consultant from Lansdowne's Infant and Child Development program can visit your home and/or arrange an online video call, to meet you and your child and provide:
informal and formal assessments,
information about child development
assistance to connect with other community services
resources and support to enhance parent/caregiver skills to help with child development
Preemie Support in Your Child's Care Centre
The Early Integration Program promotes inclusion of all children in an Early Learning Environment, providing support to children with developmental concerns and/or delays
in licensed Child Care Centres, licensed Private Home Child Cares and before/after school programs.
A Lansdowne Resource Consultant:
provides developmental screens and assessments
works with your child and family on goals, and plans to achieve them
works in collaboration with your Early Learning Environment and other professionals to help your child develop to their full potential